Tuesday, 3 March 2009


Film 2009 with Jonathan Ross
Episode 6 (3/2/09 edition)
Wossy weviews Watchmen. I've found that Ross' opinions often chime with my own, so was pleased to find he enjoyed it so much (with some reservations). Only two days to go now...
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

Nature's Great Events
Part 2 The Great Salmon Run
[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]


The Ode Less Travelled by Stephen Fry
Chapter One: II (p.21-33)
Christ I'm progressing through this slowly. Really need to speed up -- it's a week tomorrow that I have to hand in / work through in class a 'progress report' on the module so far, and I've done nothing like enough work to write such a thing without being in Trouble.


Behind the Mask by Craig McLean
(from Telegraph Magazine 22/2/09, p.36-43)
Just another Watchmen preview, really, but a decent one. (Plus it was in a genuine printed magazine, all too rare a thing to be mentioned round 'ere. Though I've also found it online for your reading pleasure.)

British entrepreneur Rob Williams dies on skiing holiday in tragedy played out on Twitter by Richard Edwards
(from Telegraph.co.uk)
A good use of technology, even if it was still too little too late.

Crushed by the tyranny of the nipple: where it all went wrong at Arena by Brian Schofield
(from Organ Grinder at guardian.co.uk)
So, Arena magazine is dead. I'm not too fussed, I never bought it; but how can you resist an article with that title?

Life on Mars canceled by Tim Surette
(from tv.com)
And I never got round to watching it (this is the US one, of course). At least it sounds like they'll have a chance to wrap up the story, so maybe I'll catch the DVD set.