Sunday 7 April 2024


2x04 The One with Phoebe's Husband [5th or so watch]
2x05 The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant [5th or so watch]

Richard Osman's House of Games
7x33 Week 7: Wednesday
[Watch various episodes (again) on iPlayer.]


The Fourth Square (1961)
[#25 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]

Love Wedding Repeat (2020)


The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Book Game
Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

Normally I wouldn’t log when I play, say, Scrabble, but this isn’t that kind of board game — it’s one of them there modern ones, with lots of different decks of cards and a “corruption tracker” and different objectives and rules for each chapter, and so on and so forth. More complicated than some of the reviews I read led me to believe, which I was fine with but I think my co-player found a bit more than we’d expected — but we enjoyed it in the end, so that’s good! Seven more chapters to go…

this week on

It was almost a whole week ago now, but a new month did begin this week, and so had the usual looks back at the previous month.

As always, it started with all the films I did watch...

...and concluded with all the new ones I didn't watch...

More next Sunday.