Thursday 11 April 2024


2x01 Till Death Do Us Part Part 1 [2nd watch]
2x02 Till Death Do Us Part Part 2 [2nd watch]

I didn't remember season one vividly, but most of it felt familiar. This... much less so. Is it possible I only ever saw the first 13 episodes?! That feels so unlikely! I do sort of rememember 'evil Morph' from this two-parter, though, so for now I'm assuming I did at least see season two. (You know, it was 30-odd years ago and I was under the age of ten at the time — it's very possible I watched it and just don't recall the specifics.)


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Exodus by Terrance Dicks
Part 1, Chapters 2–10
Part 2, Chapters 1–2
Part 3, Chapters 1–3

Sounds like a lot, doesn't it? That's because it is. I'm racing through this one — part of the magic of Terrance Dicks.


Talks Machina
#55 'Hush'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]