Friday 30 August 2024


Derren Brown: Showman
Two things amazed me about this: firstly, that it was on back in April 2023 and somehow I've only just found it; and secondly, that this is the first Derren Brown programme I've watched in almost four years. I've long been a fan of his, so I don't know how I missed a new special being on; and it really doesn't feel like that long since I last watched one of his shows. Oh, and I was also amazed by all the tricks and stuff too, naturally.
[Watch it (again) on Channel 4.]


Why It Matters That Marvel Comics Are Becoming Penguin Classics
by John Maher (from Publishers Weekly)

I was trying to find out if they were going to do any more volumes in the Penguin Classics Marvel Collection (no news that I can see) when I came across this interesting interview piece from when they published the second wave this time last year.


Critical Role
2x48 Homeward Bound [1st half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]