Monday 30 August 2010


The Deep
Part 4 Everything Put Together Falls Apart
As full of codswallop as The Deep is, I do quite like its structure: it's a five-part story, yes, but each episode also manages to present a fairly self-contained, almost stand-alone chunk of this longer narrative. That's quite neat.
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]

How I Met Your Mother
5x14 The Perfect Week
[Watch it (again) on 4oD.]

1x03 Episode 3 [season finale]
Well, in spite of what the Radio Times had to say, I enjoyed that. Here's hoping for a second run.
[Watch it (again) in HD on iPlayer.]


BBC's Sherlock to return in 2011 by Colin Daniels & Paul Millar
(from Digital Spy)
The return of Sherlock has already been announced, this just confirms the already-suspected format (another three 90-minuters) and already-suspected time (in a year). The real news here is that Luther has managed to earn itself another run. Be interesting to see how they get out of that cliffhanger, and where they take the characters from there.