Sunday 4 August 2024


3x06 The Phoenix Saga Part IV: The Starjammers [2nd watch]
I've never read the original Phoenix Saga comic, so I don't know if this is a faithful adaptation, but assuming it is, I'm not quite sure why this is such a beloved story. I mean, bits of it a good, but there's a lot of science-fantasy mumbo-jumbo and silly 'alien' costumes and the like; not to mention all the filler, like, um, most of this episode.


Scenes from a Marriage (1974)
[#59 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]
Blindspot 2024 #7


2000 AD #2388


Critical Role
2x45 The Stowaway [2nd half]
"Beau's going at the same time as the cabinet. I love saying that. That's an actual phrase that exists. I'm so happy."
[A minute later]
"Beau and the cabinet go at the same time. Your dexterity's higher than the cabinet, so you go first."
"Are you sure?"
"It's a cabinet."
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

this week on

No new film reviews over at this week, but a new month has begun, meaning it was time for my review of July...

And also my July "failures"...

More, perhaps, next Sunday.