Friday 20 September 2024


by Nightwish

It's almost four-and-a-half years since the last Nightwish album — as I wrote back then, I'll always buy a new one, though how many times I'll listen to it is another matter. For example, the one before last I've still only listened to twice in full, though a pair of standout tracks have received almost 350 plays between them. The last one, though... three times in full (four times for CD1, but only three for the multipart 'single piece' on CD2), and no standout tracks, apparently. But the last time I listened to any of it was back in May 2020, the month after it came out, so I ought to give it another go.

Anyway, for now, back to the new one — which, based on another bit of trivia I observed last time, is the first Nightwish album in 24 years where none of the tracks are over ten minutes long! One is nine-and-a-half, though, and most are over five minutes (which, I dunno, doesn't sound long in isolation, but apparently radio-friendly music is getting shorter and shorter; Eurovision still caps tracks at three minutes; and 'back in the day' Queen were warned Bohemian Rhapsody wouldn't get any play because it was over five minutes — so, y'know, it's still moderately long as songs go).

Anyway, first impressions are that it's broadly typical Nightwish fare, for good or ill — no tracks particularly stood out to me, but none were remarkably terrible either (and, to be honest, Nightwish have often offered an immediately-spotted slightly-embarrassing dud or two per album before now, so it's nice there's nothing of that nature).

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