Sunday 1 January 2012

this week on 100 Films

Happy New Year!


Just 1 new review was posted to 100 Films in a Year this week... but there was also the December update, being the first in my annual triumvirate looking back at the year (the next two looking back at the year, rather than just the month-and-by-association-of-it-being-the-last-month,-the-year).

Anyway, that review...

Gambit (1966)
Gambit is distinctly underrated. The huge advantage of this is that you’re not very likely to have had all the twists spoiled, which is wonderful news! Indeed, because the biggest twist is near the start, it’s pretty hard to review without giving it away. But I’ll do my best. Honestly though, avoid other reviews, just in case.

More next Sunday.

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