Sunday 14 January 2024


The Leaf Riders of Wrenwood
8–14 January 2024

I don't seem to be doing a great job with playing this as intended (i.e. daily). However, each of the first few weeks (six, I think? Which would take us right into February!) is a sort of prequel mini-adventure with one of the possible heroes, at the end of which you choose which one you'll continue with for the rest of the year. So, after I played the first one in one sitting, I feel like I've set a precedent. Equally, if I do keep this up, I won't be playing the calendar 'properly' until mid-February. Hm.

Well, a couple of times this week I nearly just played the week up to that point, but then other entertainment options distracted me (it's not like I'm short of choice — so many films and TV series I want to watch, both old and new; books I want to read; audio dramas I want to listen to; comics I want to catch up on...) So, let's see what happens next week.

As for this second week, it seemed to go much quicker than the first. I don't know if it had less content or I'm just a little more familiar with the gameplay and whatnot than I was. I also didn't have much luck on my rolls. Can't see myself choosing this character to play for the rest of the year!

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