Tuesday 10 September 2024


The Once and Future King by T.H. White
The Sword in the Stone Chapters 19–24

That's the end of The Sword in the Stone, though far from the end of The Once and Future King — four more books to go (though I think Sword is the longest part).

I must say, it's been a bit of a slog at times (there's a reason it's taken me four months to get through this relatively slim section, and it's not just "been busy with other things" (which, of course, I have to some extent)), but there are also some fantastic passages, not least in this final stretch. So, though it's somewhat frustrating as a book unto itself, I'm hoping it will ultimately sit better as the opening salvo in a grander story. Indeed, I enjoyed this final stretch enough that I considered going straight on to the second part, but my plan all along has been to take a break after each volume* to read something else (or maybe a couple of somethings, we'll see) before I continue.

* I am very, very bad at reading long books, but pretty successful at reading short ones; so five books averaging under 200 pages each seems much, much more achievable than an 844-page epic.

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