Friday 19 April 2024


Doctor Who
6x35 The War Games Episode One

I always intend to watch more Classic Who, then sort of forget to and just... don't. Well (spoilers for a 30-year-old niche TV tie-in book incoming), after it turned out that Timewyrm: Exodus was a sequel to this TV story, I decided it was about time I got round to watching it. I read the novelisation decades ago, and enjoyed it a lot, which I think is part of why I've put off watching it — sometimes the actual episodes struggle to live up to their book counterparts; and, having read it, this was a story I'd 'experienced', whereas there are so many (many) others that I haven't 'experienced' in any form. (Saying I've "experienced" it sounds a bit wanky (hence the speechmarks), but what other catch-all term is there for something I might have watched, read, or listened to?) Anyway, let's hope it lives up to all those expectations...

Also: this is the first Classic Who I've watched since it's all been available on iPlayer. (Well, except for K-9 and Company, which is a spin-off, and a random accidental rewatch of the TV Movie, which isn't really Classic Who, is it? So, yay iPlayer! Of course, I actually watched my DVD copy.)

Oh, and today is the 55th anniversary of this episode’s original broadcast. Not at all why I decided to watch it, so what a coincidence! It’s a ten-parter, so back in 1969 it would carry on until late June. I’m aiming to finish it before May begins.

[Watch it (again) on iPlayer.]

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