Friday 23 July 2010


Blu-ray Producers: Extras Are for the Fans, By Fans by John Latchem
(from Agent DVD)
A report on the DVD/Blu-ray producers panel at Comic-Con 2010, mainly focused on the importance of special features and if studios are beginning to ignore DVD. A decent read for those interested.

Is A Game of Thrones the most eagerly anticipated TV show ever? by Mathilda Gregory
I reckon it's safe to say "no" on that one, to be honest -- I bet Doctor Who's pre-installed fan base before the 2005 revival would knock it out of the park -- but, still, it sounds interesting.

Lone Star Statements by Matthew Baldwin
(from The Morning News)
Ah, the article title that gives you no clue what the article's about. Try this:
Recently [it was 2005, but then so was this], Time magazine published a list of the 100 best novels. But the praise of professional critics hardly matters to the book-reviewing readers at A compilation of the best of the worst… about the best.
So there you go. Some of these actually provoke a response more akin to "well, I've not read the book, that might be fair criticism" from me, but as they go on they get increasingly ridiculous and, therefore, funny. Some of my favourites include the quotes about Mrs. Dalloway, Lord of the Flies, 1984 and Slaughterhouse-Five. And Tropic of Cancer (right at the end) probably sums up the general attitude.

RTD on Torchwood by Ian Berriman
(from SFX)
Specifically, the next series -- "one long story, consisting of 10 episodes". Awesome.

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