Wednesday 24 August 2011


Conan The Barbarian Scripter Answers: “What’s It Like To Flop At The Box Office?” by Nikki Finke & Sean Hood
(from Deadline)
Conan was just one of several movies to flop at the US box office this past weekend. Here, one of its screenwriters explains what it feels like to be on the bad side of a big movie not being big.

Doctor Who's Global Takeover by Jace Lacob
(from The Daily Beast)
A pretty interesting interview -- not entirely filled with the usual completely-repetitive hype-led interviews you see pre-series (which tend to offer the same information in different configurations with one or two new tidbits at best) -- with Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat.
(Incidentally, the author/interviewer sounds like he's got the first letters of his names the wrong way round...)

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