Sunday 22 July 2012


Once Upon a Time
1x12 Skin Deep
This week, OUaT recasts Beauty and the Beast with Rumplestiltskin as the Beast. And as with everything this series does, it's very much based on the Disney version.
Can't escape it's regular penchant for low-level awfulness, though: the Mayor/Queen persuades Mr Gold to reveal he knows his own real identity by bribing him with a stolen item, but because he knows his real identity he also knows all he has to do is say "please" and she'll do whatever he wants, so why doesn't he just say "give it back please" and be done? If you're going to have rules, stick to them -- especially when you've reminded us of them by using it several times in the episode already!

1x01 Pilot
New-to-the-UK sitcom about a single father and his daughter who move from New York to the suburbs. It's actually quite good.
[Watch it (again) on 4oD.]

1x09 Episode Nine
[Watch it (again) on ITV Player.]

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