Friday 5 June 2020


Nemo: River of Ghosts by Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill

The third and final volume in the Nemo trilogy (following Heart of Ice and The Roses of Berlin, set in the world of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I thought these were going to be a trio of standalone books, but either I was wrong or Moore couldn't resist tying them together -- it's not really a three-parter, but they're definitely connected, and you'd only get the most out of this volume by having read the other two. It's also dense with other literary allusions, naturally (that's the style of the LoEG universe, after all), but not so obstructively as in other books. And, thankfully, it's not half in untranslated-German this time!

While an enjoyable trilogy, there's something about these books that feels 'light' to me. I mean, they don't exactly feel light to read, what with all the references you either get or know you're missing, but the stories are kind of slight. I don't know, maybe I'm just being picky. It'll be interesting to get to that League re-read I mentioned and consume them closer together.

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