Saturday 11 June 2022


Top Gun 3D (1986)
[3rd or so watch]
[#36 in The All-New 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2022]

I remember loving this as a kid — though, as is so often the case with movies from my childhood, I don't actually know how many times I saw it. We weren't great rewatchers in my household, so I don't imagine I've seen it more than two, maybe three, times, max. Whatever the number, this is the first time I've seen it for about 25–30 years. I've been meaning to get round to revisiting it for years too: I've owned it since DVD, then bought the 3D Blu-ray five years ago too. Obviously, the sequel has finally provoked my rewatch. I think it holds up as good fun, so long as you're on board with its cheesy '80s-ness.

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