Tuesday 5 September 2023


The Dragon Staff of Maladoria
1–5 January 2021

So, somehow I came across Sundial Games' Quest Calendars thanks to their Kickstarter campaign for the 2024 edition. It sounded fun and I backed it, and in the process ended up with a digital copy of this, their first calendar from 2021. It's meant to play out over a whole year (obviously), but as I intend to be playing the 2024 one from next January, I decided to speed-run this one over the next four months (it would've been ideal to start on September 1st, therefore, but I forgot).

The game is designed to give you a quick little burst of RPG-ing each day (or, rather, for 6 days out of 7, as the weekends are doubled up). That means it actually works quite well saved up and playing a few days at once — each day is so short (especially here at the start, which has a lot of intro material) that even playing through a few days doesn't take very long.

So, that means there's not much to comment on so far (in terms of interactivity, I've conducted precisely one dice roll), but I'm curious to see where it goes and how it plays over the long term.

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