Saturday 18 May 2024


Critical Role
2x20 Labenda Awaits [1st half]

Thus far I've been linking to episodes on YouTube because that's the only place to watch the first 19 episodes of Campaign 2; but from here on, episodes are also available on Twitch or Beacon. YouTube is the only platform where you can watch the episodes free, but with ads, so the other two are worth mentioning because, depending how you want to do things, their ad-free options might be better. For example, you can pay for YouTube Premium to get ad-free viewing there, but if you have Amazon Prime you can subscribe to a Twitch channel for free — which I do, so I've subscribed to the CR Twitch channel and intend to watch episodes there going forward.

[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

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