Thursday 13 June 2024


Doctor Who
Real Time Episode Five
Real Time Episode Six [finale]

Abandoned my previous pace just to get it over with a double-bill. I did enjoy the second half of the serial more than the first — there are some neat concepts, even if I felt they were poorly utilised — but, overall, it wasn't worth the two-decade wait. And it ends on a cliffhanger that will never be resolved! (Because the actress died. Obviously they could continue it in a novel or something, but, well, they haven't in the past 22 years, so I doubt they will now.)

Oh well, at least I've ticked off another piece of Doctor Who apocrypha (the fact it has some form of visuals makes it sort of a proper story, right? But it didn't occur in chronological order (jumping back to the Sixth Doctor) and was only a webcast, so it's also sort of... not 'real' Who, right? Hence "apocrypha". Maybe not quite the correct word, but it's the closest I can think of right now).

2x07 Time Fugitives Part One [2nd watch]
2x08 Time Fugitives Part Two [2nd watch]

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