Tuesday 1 November 2011


X2 (2003)
[4th or so watch]

The critical consensus at the time, which has been upheld by audiences since, is that while X-Men was very good, X2 trounced it -- look on IMDb now and you'll see X2 still has the highest score of the trilogy (First Class tops it for the franchise though). I wasn't convinced in the cinema and I haven't been convinced re-watching it on DVD -- X2 is very good, but I love X-Men.

I'm not sure if being older (it must be half a decade since I last watched it) or watching Blu-ray made any difference to my appreciation of the film, but it did remind that it's a damn fine movie. Certainly, taken together, I believe the first two X films are among the absolute finest the superhero genre has to offer.

It'll be interesting to see The Last Stand again, hopefully tomorrow: I've always thought it was flawed, but I never hated it with the same vitriol as other fans. Maybe watching it immediately after these, however, I'll have a change of heart.

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