Saturday 8 June 2024

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Just two new additions this week, including the latest Doctor Who animation.

Number of titles in collection: 3,300 [up 2]
Of which DVDs: 1,002 [no change]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,298 [up 2]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 355 [up 1]

Number of discs in collection: 7,991 [up 4]
Number of films: 4,069 [up 1]
Number of additional cuts: 386 [no change]
Number of TV episodes: 9,720 [up 4]
Number of short films: 1,145 [no change]

See you next week, faithful reader.

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