Saturday 8 June 2024


Critical Role
2x26 Found & Lost
Man, Critical Role was just continuously knocking it out of the park at this point, particularly with how episodes ended. Even though this was one of their longest episodes yet (representing 6½ hours of viewing between it and Talks; then even more time because I rewind/rewatch some moments to see more reactions, and quite thoroughly peruse the YouTube comment section — it took me basically all afternoon and early evening), I still just want to watch Talks to hear what they have to say, then go straight on to the next episode to find out what happens. I may just spend tomorrow on the show, too...
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#74 'Found & Lost'
Such a shame they've wiped this show from official channels (even if it's understandable why) because there can be some great insights here (as well as a lot of fun, silly frolics). Sometimes the quality depends on whether there's a good lineup of guests ("good" possibly defined by who your personal favourites are), but they've often got the people most relevant to the episode under discussion — this episode, in particular, has the perfect lineup in that regard.
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

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