Sunday 15 September 2024

Audio Drama

Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures
The Stuff of Legend Part 1
The Stuff of Legend Part 2

This is the Big Finish 25th anniversary production that was performed live in London this weekend (twice yesterday, twice today — an expanded number of performances because of demand). Obviously I didn't go, but they released the studio-recorded version simultaneously for those who preordered it, so I thought I'd give it a listen in... solidarity? Not quite the right concept, but anyway.


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
Chapters 8–9


2000 AD #2390

The Uncanny X-Men #1 by Gail Simone & David Marquez

The next part in the "From the Ashes" X-relaunch is volume 6 of Uncanny. (Random point: this comic is always referred to as just Uncanny X-Men, including by Marvel themselves, but there's a The at the front of the title; it's right there on all the covers. Hardly a big deal, I know, but it's still kinda weird that even the official listings by the publisher don't acknowledge that, when they're the ones who put it there.)

Anyway, these issues have the same problem faced by so many in-continuity relaunches: having to acknowledge the previous events that were so affecting they caused enough change to provoke a renumbering, while also trying to keep things simple and appealing enough for new readers. The two I've read so far have handled that reasonably well — it's clear Stuff Has Happened, but I still enjoyed what I read.

That said: absolute beginners would be completely lost — you still need some idea of who the X-Men and the main characters are to even attempt these books. Indeed, this one feels aimed specifically at fans of the animated series, as it stars most of the fan-favourite characters from that show. I don't know if that was deliberate, but with X-Men '97 launching recently too, it does feel like a conscious choice.


Fighting Fantasy
Shadow of the Giants by Ian Livingstone

Continuing my second attempt — and, this time, completing it. I didn't actually expect to finish: I'd been waiting for a good place to pause, and suddenly I found myself in the finale and I thought I might as well finish. All in, it took me about two-and-a-half hours to complete. I know I missed some sections (there's a whole optional fight with a dragon, for example), but I guess that's in the nature of these types of books — you don't see everything in one go-through (well, I could've, but I didn't).

What does continue to slightly bug me is how I only won because I happened to make the correct arbitrary choice in some moments. I looked at some alternate pathways later, and some of them end your adventure prematurely 'just because'. Again, I get that it's a limitation of the format (otherwise the books would probably spiral out of control to hundreds or thousands of pages), but if you don't have space to write a convincing alternative pathway, maybe don't bother?

Example: at one point you're meant to team up with another character as you head out on a mission. I did, and so was able to complete the book. What if you don't team up with him? Can you still complete it, but it's more challenging? No. Can you have a crack at it but, ultimately, you need his support? No. Instead, with in a choice or two, the book has your character either do something stupid or encounter a random event that kills you. To me, that's not playing fair. You're punished and lose because the book doesn't have time/room to provide an alternative pathway, not thanks to the consequences of your actions. No wonder they emphasise the "one true path" thing — the only way you can spin that as fair is via some fate-esque "you must make all the right choices at key moments to bring the good outcome" ideology.

That said, it's still fun — it just makes me think it's less "cheating" and more "how you have to play to succeed" to do that thing where you remember paragraph numbers and flip back a bit if you get an unfavourable outcome. After all, if the book isn't playing fair with you, why should you play fair with it?


Critical Role
2x55 Duplicity [2nd half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#104 'Duplicity'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

this week on

Oh my God, it's finally happened — for the first time since May, a new review was published to this week! And it was of something I watched recently too, which is a first since April. And it was...

The Swordsman of All Swordsmen (1968)
The film runs a tight 85 minutes, and in that time manages to pack in seven sword fights and still find room for some honour-based moral conflict. The action comes thick and fast (that’s an average of a fresh duel starting every 12 minutes, maths fans) but remains thrilling throughout.
Read more here.

More next Sunday? You never know!

Saturday 14 September 2024


Frozen II 3D (2019)
[#71 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
Chapters 6–7


Critical Role
2x55 Duplicity [1st half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#103 'Well Beneath'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Only two new additions this week, and one is a DVD-to-4K upgrade at that (always feels like a fun jump, probably because I'm glad I didn't spend money on a Blu-ray that I don't seem to have watched 99% of the time). But I also took a look at the actual contents of some previous purchases (as opposed to what the listings / online info said) and reclassified some shorts as TV episodes. Not really important, just wanted to explain that change at the bottom of the list.

Number of titles in collection: 3,372 [up 1]
Of which DVDs: 998 [down 1]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,374 [up 2]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 389 [up 2]

Number of discs in collection: 8,121 [up 3]
Number of films: 4,163 [up 1]
Number of additional cuts: 397 [no change]
Number of TV episodes: 9,800 [up 9]
Number of short films: 1,163 [down 8]

See you next week, faithful reader.

Friday 13 September 2024


The Fall Guy (2024)
[#70 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
Chapters 4–5


Fighting Fantasy
Shadow of the Giants by Ian Livingstone

Began a second attempt. It's going a lot better so far.

If I had one criticism (and I don't know if this applies to all books in the series or just this one volume) it's that it relies too much on luck — not the luck of a dice roll (that's fine; that's games for you), but in terms of what choices you make. This is partly a limitation of the format (unless the book were huge, only so many choices can be meaningful), but there don't seem to be any overriding principles to help decisionmaking.

For example, it could be that you should always talk to people because it will always lead somewhere, or that you should never talk to people because they'll always scam you — but both of those things happen, and it's pure luck which choice will benefit you at any moment. I'd be ok with that if there was always a 'save', but quite often an incorrect choice either hobbles you or leads to permadeath.

I can see why "most people" (anecdotally) resort to marking points of divergence and going back a step or two (or three or four, maybe) if things go sour. It's no worse than saving in a computer game, really, and a lot less time consuming than starting the whole thing over because you made one wrong decision deep, deep into the story.


Critical Role
2x54 Well Beneath [2nd half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Thursday 12 September 2024


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
Chapter 3


Critical Role
2x54 Well Beneath [1st half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#102 'Cornered'
Talking about the previous episode of CR, of course, but this Talks aired the day after the Kickstarter for the Vox Machina animated special launched — for those who don't know, it reached its target in the first hour and sailed past all planned stretch goal points before they even had the chance to do the launch day live Q&A that was meant to help drum up interest (with hindsight: lol; it's a great watch in itself), and went on to become the most successful film/TV Kickstarter of all time — so of course they have to talk about that too. Plus the guests are Matt and Sam, two of the best for talking about the show anyway, so it's a great episode all round. (Shame it's "not available" anymore, but I get why.)
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

Wednesday 11 September 2024


Desperado (1995)
[#69 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]


Doctor Who: The New Adventures
Timewyrm: Apocalypse by Nigel Robinson
Chapters 1–2

The third book in the opening tetralogy of the New Adventures — you can read my concluding thoughts on books one and two there. According to GoodReads users, this is clearly the worst of the bunch (the only one to drop below a 3.0 rating); indeed, it's considered one of the worst in the entire NA series: the retired Doctor Who Novel Rankings puts it second to last, while community reviews site The Time Scales currently has it 'beaten' by only four others from the 61-book range. But you've gotta get through this to get to book four, which some say is one of the very best, so...


Critical Role
2x53 Cornered [2nd half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Tuesday 10 September 2024


3x12 Savage Land, Strange Heart Part One
3x13 Savage Land, Strange Heart Part Two


Adam and 6 Eves 3D (1962)


The Once and Future King by T.H. White
The Sword in the Stone Chapters 19–24

That's the end of The Sword in the Stone, though far from the end of The Once and Future King — four more books to go (though I think Sword is the longest part).

I must say, it's been a bit of a slog at times (there's a reason it's taken me four months to get through this relatively slim section, and it's not just "been busy with other things" (which, of course, I have to some extent)), but there are also some fantastic passages, not least in this final stretch. So, though it's somewhat frustrating as a book unto itself, I'm hoping it will ultimately sit better as the opening salvo in a grander story. Indeed, I enjoyed this final stretch enough that I considered going straight on to the second part, but my plan all along has been to take a break after each volume* to read something else (or maybe a couple of somethings, we'll see) before I continue.

* I am very, very bad at reading long books, but pretty successful at reading short ones; so five books averaging under 200 pages each seems much, much more achievable than an 844-page epic.


Fighting Fantasy
Shadow of the Giants by Ian Livingstone

Er, does this belong in Games or Books? Because it's a book, but, like, it's a game book... I've gone with Games because, really, it's a game in book form: it requires a pencil (to keep track of your stats, etc) and a pair of dice (though it has a clever alternative if you don't have any to hand), and you jump around as you make decisions rather than progressing in a linear fashion like a novel — I wouldn't be able to cite a chapter or page count for where I'm up to, for example (I suppose I could count how many pages I'd read along the way, but that would be a bit sad — and if the guy who runs this blog thinks that would be sad...)

Anyway, I played for about an hour, and made a right hash of it: I died twice, without feeling like I’d got very far into the narrative (whether I had or not, it's hard to tell with all the flipping back and forth). The first time I made a bad choice so just went back a step, like reloading a save game; the second time, the sum of my poor decisions caused me to lose an (apparently) unavoidable combat. At that point, it only made sense to start over. But I know a bunch of pitfalls to avoid next time! And there will be a next time, because I did enjoy it. I would’ve enjoyed it more if I’d done better at it, but that’s sort of on me, isn’t it?


Critical Role
2x53 Cornered [1st half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

I've decided to remove the Games tag from all previous and future Critical Role posts (unless I'm actually playing a Critical Role game (which do exist, but I don't own any (yet))). This is because I recently tried to look up some previous posts for when I had actually played games and had to wade through hundreds of CR posts, which seemed counterproductive. The Games tag does sort of make sense (these aren't 'just' Videos, they're Videos of Games) but, in practice, it gets in the way of what the Games tag is supposed to be for (i.e. when I play games). I doubt this actually affects anyone (because I presume no one actually reads this blog), but I mention it just in case.

Sunday 8 September 2024


Godzilla Minus One (2023)
[#67 in The 100 Films in a Year Challenge 2024]

Audio Drama

Doctor Who: The Third Doctor Adventures
13x06 Revolution in Space Episode Six [finale]
+ the final behind-the-scenes featurette on CD3

I really didn't intend to wait a whole month between the penultimate and final episodes of this serial (indeed, if I'd had complete freedom, I'd've listened to it the next day), but sometimes life just gets in the way.

It's certainly no reflection on the quality of the story, which was very good. Originally I ignored Big Finish's releases with recast Doctors (surely half the point of what BF do is to bring back the original actors?), but I heard Tim Treloar's Third Doctor in one of their anniversary anthology stories and was impressed. Nonetheless, I only bought this particular story because it was offered in a bundle with October's Third Doctor release, The Quintessence (billed as a gothic story featuring the Cybermen, it could scarcely be more up my street), and the bundles are always better value than a single release, and this sounded good enough to be worth a punt. I'm glad I did.


X-Men #1 by Jed MacKay & Ryan Stegman

I've been (supposedly) getting back into reading regular comics for a while now — my first post about it was in February 2023, and that acknowledges I'd already been buying for about five months. My initial plan was to get caught up on 2000 AD, then start on my literal pile of US comics (as referenced in June 2023). The fact I'm filling in this backstory now probably indicates how well that's gone — i.e. not very. But, today, I'm finally starting... with a new(-ish) release, rather than any of my two-year-ish backlog. At least I'll be up-to-date on something.

Why this one, then? Well, Volume 7 or 8 of X-Men (sources vary, but either way: crikey! That's the perceived need for constant renumbering for you) begins the line-wide "From the Ashes" relaunch. Relaunches are really about attracting new/lapsed readers by indicating a new era or starting point in the narrative. I guess it's worked this time, in the sense that it's got me picking up various X-books. And that's why I intended to start reading straight away: because I've signed up for three or four of these titles, and rather than let them pile up for years, I'm gonna find out if I actually enjoy them now (you know, like a normal person would: actually reading the stuff I've bought. What a shocking concept).

That hasn't quite gone to plan: this series is already up to #3 (although I've only just received my copies of #2 and #3), but it's sort of ok, because the third of the three main series only began this week, so I'm not that far behind... so long as I do actually start them all soon, and keep them up...


Critical Role
2x52 Feral Business
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

this week on

No new film reviews on again this week — but, hanging over from last week, there was the second part of my August monthly review: the "failures"...

More, hopefully, next Sunday.

Saturday 7 September 2024


3x09 Obsession [2nd watch]
3x10 Longshot [2nd watch]
3x11 Cold Comfort [2nd watch]


Talks Machina
#100 'Xhorhas'
This show is always A Bit Weird if you ever stop to remember what happened later, but it's especially weird here, where the whole cast of Critical Role turn up to celebrate the 100th episode and begin by cheering Foster en masse. If what went down later was big enough to be TV news, that clip would definitely get used in coverage.
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

Collection Count

Collection Count tracks my DVD/Blu-ray collection via a number of statistics every week.

Two big bulk orders this week, the latter of which only arrived this morning. The first: a bunch of pre-orders from 88 Films. Well, they were pre-orders when I placed them, but some have been out for a couple of weeks now as my order waited for the final title(s) to be released. (I don't mind — I got a discount, and it's not like I race to watch stuff anyway.)

The second: another large order of US titles. Again, prompted by a discount code and a couple of new releases I really wanted... but then you get an even better discount ordering in bulk, and somehow I always find even more stuff I want, and so my initial plan to order two, maybe three, titles ended up at... um, ten.

Also of note, my DVD collection increases by two this week. After finally dropping below 1,000 titles, it's perilously close to going back over! And it wasn't supposed to be: one of those US titles, I ordered the DVD instead of the Blu-ray by mistake. I wasn't even aware there was a DVD version (looking online, the only reviews are for the Blu-ray), so I wasn't being circumspect. Quite frustrating... but also, they're very old films in quite a poor state — every review acknowledges the weak PQ — so I decided I may as well keep the DVD, rather than having to pay extra money for a not-free return and upgrade.

So, might my DVDs actually go back up above 1,000? Nah, probably not — I very rarely buy any, and next week they'll drop again anyway. That's good, in the sense that I didn't want to be hokey-kokey-ing around with the 1,000 mark.

Number of titles in collection: 3,371 [up 15]
Of which DVDs: 999 [up 2]
Of which Blu-rays: 2,372 [up 13]
— of which Ultra HD Blu-rays: 387 [up 2]

Number of discs in collection: 8,118 [up 23]
Number of films: 4,162 [up 23]
Number of additional cuts: 397 [up 1]
Number of TV episodes: 9,791 [up 12]
Number of short films: 1,171 [up 3]

As you can see, every category increased this week — a truly rare occurence (even on the rare occasion they all change, it's usually with DVD going down). And it's a completely full set of changed stats too, because it's time for the latest monthly running time update...

Total running time of collection (approx.):
569 days, 19 hours, and 2 minutes.
(Up 3 days, 1 hour, and 18 minutes from last month.)

See you next week, faithful reader.

Friday 6 September 2024


Critical Role
2x51 Xhorhas [remainder]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Thursday 5 September 2024


Critical Role
2x51 Xhorhas [1st hour]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Tuesday 3 September 2024


Critical Role
2x50 The Endless Burrows [2nd half]
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Monday 2 September 2024


3x08 No Mutant is an Island [2nd watch]
This episode explicitly takes place directly after the previous one and yet, when the series originally aired, they held it back and didn't broadcast it until the fifth (and final) season. I can only presume they realised it was a bit shit and only aired it when they had to…


Critical Role
2x50 The Endless Burrows [1st half]
Now I'm back on the Crit Role horse, I just can't stop (helps that there have been a couple of phenomenal episodes in a row). I've got a week off work coming up, and I had been intending to catch up on some of the many films I've missed of late, but I'm slightly worried I'll end up just mainlining CR all day, every day for a week.
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

Talks Machina
#98 'A Game of Names'
[Watch it (again) on Internet Archive.]

Sunday 1 September 2024


The Hollow Crown
1x01 Richard II
[Watch the entire series (again) on iPlayer.]


Critical Role
2x49 A Game of Names
[Watch it (again) on YouTube, or Twitch, or Beacon.]

this week on

No new reviews were published to this week, but we're midway through the opening days of the month — midway because I've posted only the first half of my pair of monthly posts: the monthly review of August...

More next Sunday. Or you could just check out tomorrow for what will likely be the week's only post, your choice.